Members Area


If you haven't registered for the 2023/24 season,

Update Membership Details

Once registered, you can update your membership details below:

Change your password

Change your address

Change your phone number(s)

Change your emergency contact(s)

Data Deletion Request

Please fill in your full name

This field is required

Please enter your email address

This field is required

Please enter your phone number

There is no obligation to explain

ICE Form

The In Case of Emergency (ICE) Form is to be filled in by all members and participants. The ICE form is to be brought to every Bournemouth Walking Football Club event.

Due to the nature of the content, the form is to be retained by the member and kept by them, for example, in their sports bag.

With the use of this form, if an adverse event occurs, potentially important medical information is readily available to an emergency medical professional.